
“Virginia Woolf used to walk the track above Breaky Bottom – ‘I found the loneliest of valleys with silver sheep clustering on the sides, hares leaping from my foot....’”

Christina Hall | Artist, Educator & Environmentalist

I am a partner in the business and work alongside Peter and the team throughout the year. As well as supporting the work in the vineyard and winery, I share my love of the countryside and the wildlife by hosting visits from local schools.

Natural England supports Breaky Bottom through the Higher Level Stewardship Scheme ‘to conserve wildlife, maintain and enhance landscape quality and character and protect the natural environment.’

Our holding is made up of a six acre vineyard surrounded by steep hillsides of species rich chalk Downland grazed by sheep. The traditional flint barn and farmhouse, originally built in 1827, form the boundaries of what was once a winter cattle yard.

Sheep have been part of the life at Breaky Bottom for hundreds of years. The original people who lived on the farm were shepherds.